Stilton Pears

On the table in: 3 mins
Serves: 1
Origin: British


  • 1 large, ripe conference pear, cored and cut in half
  • 100 grams low-fat cottage cheese
  • 20 grams Stilton cheese
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Nutritional Information

Per serving: 155 calories; 22g carbohydrates; 14g protein; 1g fat; 3g fibre
*nutritional data is indicative and may vary depending on the brand of ingredients used.


  1. Scoop out a ‘well’ in the centre of each pear half using a teaspoon and place the pear halves on a plate.
  2. In a small bowl mix together the cottage cheese and Stilton cheese.
  3. Fill the centres of the pear halves with the cheese mix.
  4. Season well with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  5. Transfer to a serving plate and eat immediately.